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News / Information

Anker 1

Information about appointments

Feel free to contact us by phone at 05957/1229 to make appointments.


We would like to be able to offer you and other patients appointments as quickly as possible. If you are unable to make an appointment, we ask that you inform us at least 24 hours in advance.

We would like to point out that we have to charge the treatment rate for unexcused appointments.

Opening hours:

Monday:      7.30 - 21.00

Tuesday:     7.30 - 21.00

Wednesday:     7.30 - 21.00

Thursday:  7.30 - 20.00

Friday:       7.30 - 19.00

Saturday:     closed

Information for cash patients
at a glance

The vast majority of physiotherapy costs are covered by health insurance, provided certain basic conditions are met.

Patients with statutory health insurance only have to make a co-payment.

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We are also on Facebook and Instagram, be always up to date with the latest news. Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to us on Instagram!

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What is YOLii?


We have been offering training with Yolii since July 2020.

Yolii digitizes active therapy. The training plan created for you is saved on a training bracelet, this is recorded on the device by contact and YOLii then helps with the correct movement execution and thus leads to a controlled and efficient training result.


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